In the 17 years since the Association's foundation, it has attempted to lead children to more successful lives by giving them the basis of a good education in their childhood.
It has been shown that the one of the main reasons for not being able to visit school is poverty; and not being able to visit school is one of the main reasons for poverty. Due to this, we want to support children in their academic, creative, and leisure activities, in order for them to benefit from a more fruitful life.
For the first years after our founding, our primary projects were planned for China, specifically the provinces of Guizhou, Sichuan, and Yunnan.
One of our main beliefs is that: Education = An investment for the future
In more recent years, we unfortunately discontinued our activities in China for the time being. We had a presence in Tajikistan, an ex-soviet-union country in central asia, for four years, where we were also able to meet and interact with local schoolchildren in various cities and the countrieside.
At the moment, we are in Papua New Guinea, a nation located in the Pacific, north of Australia.